G-d: We believe in one G-d, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. We believe there is great significance in the verse from Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One."
The Hebrew word for "One", in this verse, implies a composite One. The text does not use the Hebrew word which means "an absolute One." The significance of this choice of words shows that G-d consists of G-d the Father, G-d the Son, and G-d the Holy Spirit. Hence, we believe in the Trinity and that each member of the Trinity is eternal and absolute G-d.
The Holy Scriptures: We believe that the only writings that are authoritative and inspired by the Holy Spirit are the Tenach, i.e., Old Testament, and the New Testament, which are in their original autographs without error. In regard to the Talmud, and additional writings of the Jewish sages, they can assist in providing information concerning Biblical backgrounds, insight into language and culture, etc. However, they are not authoritative for the believer and they are without inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They are the work of man alone.
The condition of man: We believe that G-d created man in His image and in His likeness, and that all humanity derived from Adam and Hava (Eve). Originally, man had a relationship with G-d and enjoyed the presence of G-d in the Garden of Eden. G-d created man with free will and man utilized his free will to choose evil and sinned by taking the fruit from the tree of the knowledge. As a result of this sin, G-d cast man from the Garden of Eden, thereby causing man to fall out of relationship with G-d. Hence, man is in need of redemption in order to heal his relationship with G-d.
Redemption and Messiah: We believe that G-d loves man and desires to redeem him from sin. The work of redemption is done by G-d alone; hence man is just the recipient of the redemptive work of G-d. Through redemption, man enters in again into a personal relationship with G-d. Some of the basic principles of redemption are seen in the account of the Exodus from Egypt, for this is why Passover is called the Festival of Redemption. The children of Israel were in Egypt (exile) because of sin—the selling of Joseph into slavery.
The book of Exodus reveals that while in Egypt, Israel was unable to free herself from slavery and did not possess any merit which would cause G-d to redeem her. Hence, the Exodus from Egypt was a work of G-d's grace alone, for G-d supplied the means for Israel's redemption. Israel had to believe in G-d's provision of the Passover lamb and its blood, which was placed upon the doorpost and lintel of the believer's house, in order that death would pass over the house. From this account, it is derived that redemption requires faith in the blood of the Passover lamb.
Although there are many things that Messiah will accomplish, His primary objective is to be Israel's Redeemer (and not just Israel's Redeemer, but the world's Redeemer—"And He said, 'It is too insignificant that You should be My Servant only to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the ruins of Israel, I will make You for light of the Gentiles, to be My salvation to the ends of the earth'" Isaiah 49:6.
We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth is the Messiah. Yeshua was sent from the heavens and became our Passover sacrifice. He laid down His life on the 14th day of Nisan at the exact time that the Passover lambs were being sacrificed. He was in the belly of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights, after which He rose from the dead and appeared to many faithful witnesses during a 40 day period. On the 40th day, He ascended into the heavens from the Mt. of Olives, which is the place where He will return in the last days to fulfill the rest of the work of Messiah ben David, thereby establishing the Kingdom of G-d from the holy city of Jerusalem.
We believe that Yeshua was born from the virgin Miriam, who conceived by the Holy Spirit. Although Yeshua was born in Bethlehem, this birth describes the way that G-d put on human flesh in order to redeem man. Yeshua lived a sinless life and thereby could be the appropriate sacrifice for man's sin. In great similarity from what we learn at the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest places his hands upon the goat in order to transfer the sins of Israel upon him, thus the sins of mankind were placed upon Yeshua, thereby making him our vicarious sacrifice for sin.
Yeshua of Nazareth is from the lineage of the house of David. He will return in the last days to gather the exiles back to the land of Israel. He will fight the war of G-d, i.e. Armageddon and He will sit upon the throne of David, and will rule the Kingdom of G-d from Jerusalem for 1,000 years; after which He will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, i.e., the New Jerusalem, which will endure forever and ever.